
Sharing evidence-based approaches on youth mental health issues

By Criterion Conferences

August 13, 2019

risk management

Criterion Conferences, in partnership with Roses in the Ocean, are pleased to announce that registrations are open for the inaugural Australian Youth Suicide Prevention Summit, Australia’s only national multi-stakeholder youth suicide prevention focused conference, taking place from 12th – 15th November in Melbourne.

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The event is focused on connecting evidence-based multi-stakeholder approaches to youth mental health, bringing together key front line workers from hospitals, public area health services, primary care, psychosocial services, community, government agencies, primary, secondary and tertiary education. Carers, consumers with a lived experience and other key mental health and suicide prevention organisations will also attend the summit.

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Key speakers include:

  • Professor Ella Arensman, Chief Scientist, National Suicide Research Foundation
  • Warwick Smith, Director, Youth Mental Health (NMHS), Department of Health, WA
  • Dr Peggy Brown, Senior Clinical Advisor, Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Health Care
  • David Wild, National Clinical Advisor – Be You, Headspace

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Fundraising dinner

In partnership with Roses in the Ocean

Wednesday 13th November, 6:30pm onwards

Hosted by Bronwen Edwards, Chief Executive Officer, Roses in the Ocean and Criterion Conferences, this intimate fundraising dinner will hold space for a series of moving stories from young people impacted by suicidal ideation at stages of their lives, sharing their experiences and the factors that contributed to their survival. All profits will go towards supporting the work of Roses in the Ocean to support people with a lived experience of suicidality.

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Workshop A: Mental health first aid for the suicidal person

Tuesday 12th November 2019, 9:00am – 1:00pm

Workshop leader: Marisca Seinen, Master Trainer, Mental Health First Aid & Owner, CLIC Counselling and Consultancy

Workshop B: safeTALK: Suicide alertness for everyone

Tuesday 12th November 2019, 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Workshop leader: Michelle Graeber, Chief Executive Officer, Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria

Workshop C: Aboriginal cultural safety training with VACCHO

Friday 15th November 2019, 10:00am – 3:00pm

Workshop leader: Cultural Safety Team, VACCHO, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc

Find out more

If you or someone you care about is in crisis and you think immediate action is needed, please call emergency services on 000.

If you are feeling distressed, contact:

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Lifeline 13 11 14

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

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