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Smart Communications well positioned to transform forms process with launch of SmartIQ

By Smart Communications

August 4, 2020

Australia’s digital and online forms specialist, Intelledox, is now known as SmartIQ, the latest addition to Smart Communications’ Customer Conversations Management Platform.

SmartIQ is uniquely capable of transforming traditional forms-based processes into intelligent, conversational user experiences that improve the customer experience (CX) while also streamlining internal systems, managing risk and reducing demand for support services.

The result is a powerful and compelling proposition for government agencies looking to interact and transact digitally with customers and stakeholders alike.

If you ask the average citizen for their biggest gripes when interacting with government services, the answers will be the seemingly unrelenting requirement to fill-in forms, often supplying the same information time and time again.

It seems for as long as public administration has existed, the burden of paperwork foisted onto individuals to put even basic transactions into motion has stood firm as a serious irritation, diminishing the good standing of government along the way.

Online government was supposed to change that, but in reality many static forms just got a superficial electronic makeover, with less forgiving systems making you start again from scratch if you slipped up.

But that scenario is now changing fast, and for the better, thanks to much smarter digital channels that can finally replace ‘dumb’ forms that persistently frustrate interactions with government.

Local build goes global

Behind the scenes, Australian government agency customers of SmartIQ (formerly Intelledox) have been quietly leading a revolution to add intelligence and intuition to customer interactions and processes once dominated by static forms and their electronic offspring, the PDF.

Canberra might be Australia’s home of Federal Government, but one of its better kept secrets is that it’s also produced a handful of legitimately world-leading software products that have successfully tackled the smart services challenges of the public sector and regulated industries head-on.

SmartIQ may be a new name, but chances are if you’ve had a seamless online interaction with an agency and (quite understandably) never even given it a second thought, it will be SmartIQ’s automation and customer intelligence smarts that got you there, deftly avoiding the same questions being asked over and over again.

Think of transactions and interactions that remember who you are, what you’ve needed and what you’ll likely need next.

Intelligence on tap

Good ideas and better execution don’t go unnoticed for long, successful deployments speak for themselves.

While Smart Communications only acquired Intelledox one year ago, and the new name SmartIQ just launched in July, the technology has been empowering public sector, educational institutions and the corporate sector for almost three decades. It provides a springboard to simply and seamlessly embed smart digital processes into customer and stakeholder interactions.

A major factor in cultivating success has been a low-code, light-touch approach. In simple terms this means everyday, customer-facing staff can design and deploy the equivalent of smart digital forms, sparing often overloaded IT-shops or service providers the job of coding-up new data ingestion interfaces from the ground up.

This means that non-IT staff in organisations can design user inputs based on thoroughly tested and proven online templates that automatically link to authorised customer management and records platforms, using familiar drag-and-drop tools that make interface design as easy as putting together a simple slide deck.

On the back-end, this connectivity means that rich analytics, robotic and digital process automation and artificial intelligence can be easily integrated, with security and privilege controls built in from the ground-up.

Scaling smart for exceptional outcomes

More powerful still, is that after decades at the cutting edge of standardising, streamlining and automating customer interactions, capabilities have only become more robust after being acquired by Smart Communication, the only provider of a customer conversations management platform.

SmartIQ functionality has go-to technology for a host of customers.  Australia’s highly regarded online passport application system, and the Australian National University’s Service Improvement Group are two notable customers of record.

“It was important to the Intelledox team that its next step involved an acquirer who was committed to looking after its existing customers and growing their opportunity for success,” says Nick Smith, vice president and general manager, Asia Pacific of Smart Communications.

“This was certainly the case for Smart Communications, and since the acquisition we have invested in the product both in terms of capabilities and local staff. SmartIQ customers are now even better equipped to digitally transform and deliver exceptional experiences to their customers.

“In fact, we believe that it is the combination of next-generation CCM, which Smart Communications has been known for, for some time, and the forms transformation capabilities of SmartIQ that uniquely lead to the smarter conversations that today’s consumers desire.”

Enhancing capability

With the COVID-19 pandemic still top of mind for government organisations at all levels, policymakers and agencies have realised like never before that immediate, efficient and clear communications are essential for both people’s physical and economic wellbeing.

With citizens now gravitating towards handheld personal devices along with ‘always on’ digital media and online channels, the communications landscape has fragmented into a multiplicity of touch points that government now needs to harness to be effective.

At the same time, many transactions and communications with citizens are necessarily becoming more administratively complex as multiple government agencies and other services come together to support the community and businesses.

Take the task of issuing permits or certificates, whether it’s for essential workers to travel to their jobs or prioritising access to online ordering for groceries by vulnerable members of the community.

While SmartIQ, can easily and intuitively handle digital application forms through to the issuance of necessary credentials and authorisations, the process really starts when people can be contacted and prompted to action through trusted channels they use every day.

Need an SMS, email or another channel to activate and orchestrate? Click away and it happens, with privacy and privilege controls all built in.

A brighter future

With SmartIQ now part of the Smart Communications platform, organizations have an increased ability to not just manage communications at scale – whether they are real-time, on-demand or batch – but to personalise messaging to create contextual, two-way conversations.

Imagine a scenario where an inbound customer query can be picked-up by a human or bot and shoot back a link to an application or authorisation page or form, keeping security and confidentiality along the way.

Now imagine those interactions could be not only visible within core systems of record, but could also detect when there is rising customer demand, or friction, and scale accordingly to ensure interactions don’t stall or customers give-up in frustration.

Imagine the customer satisfaction when rebates or relief payments and services proactively find the citizens in the most need and then make them available as and when required.

By harnessing and delivering the strong synergies between SmartIQ and while retaining and growing a strong and proud local Australian footprintSmart Communications will enable that to happen, with benefits for government and citizen alike.

Find out more about how Smart Communications can help your agency and customers.

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