Premium Insights and analysis Consultation critical to getting law right Editors' Picks There is little point in creating or revising laws if the core problem is not the law itself but a failure of authorities to do the job for which they get handsomely paid.
Premium Insights and analysis Is it OK for policymakers to ignore Office of Impact Analysis guidance? December 4, 2023 By Tom Ravlic Editors' Picks Under what circumstances can elected representatives and bureaucrats ignore guidance on the analysis of regulatory impact?
Change continues at OIA, with new policy impact analysis guide February 23, 2023 By Anna Macdonald Culture The updated guide says federal agencies must have OIA permission to self-certify documents as impact analysis equivalents.
Voice and the existing range of government consultative processes January 23, 2023 By Tom Ravlic Culture There is already a range of consultative processes that exist within government departments. What would be the Voice’s relationship to them?
Office of Best Practice Regulation gets a new name November 21, 2022 By Anna Macdonald Federal The Office of Best Practice Regulation within PM&C has been renamed the Office of Impact Analysis — AKA the OIA.