2022-23 pay: Total remuneration $633,505; base salary $556,932
Department: Education
Qualifications: Queensland University of Technology (Bachelor of Education)
Job history: Cook began his career as a primary school teacher. His public service career has spanned several jurisdictions, with roles including director-general of the Queensland Department of Education and deputy secretary at the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Federally, he was previously deputy secretary of the Higher Education, Research and International Group. He took over as education secretary from Michele Bruniges on April 4. Cook was awarded a PSM in 2014 for school policy and funding reform.
Why he made news in the past year: Cook’s appointment was broadly welcomed, including by organisations such as Independent Higher Education Australia and Go8. During a June senate estimates hearing, Cook said students with HECS debt were making more voluntary payments to avoid paying higher interest rates on their debts.
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