Stuart Kells Stuart Kells is adjunct professor at La Trobe Business School. He has written widely on public policy, financial markets and economic history and is currently researching the history of money and new frontiers in banking and finance.
Parallels between modern monetary theory and the Shakespeare authorship question May 14, 2024 By Stuart Kells Economy & Industry Modern monetary theory and Shakespearean authorship speak in similar ways to disciplinary dynamics and the pursuit of scholarly progress.
The financial world looks very different when viewed from the basement April 3, 2024 By Stuart Kells Economy & Industry There is a gulf between how money, banking and finance are commonly understood and how things actually work down at the foundations.
John Thwaites on making good policy and a fairer Victoria March 12, 2024 By Scott Hamilton and Stuart Kells Editors' Picks Former Victorian deputy premier John Thwaites discusses with Scott Hamilton and Stuart Kells bipartisanship and making good public policy.
ACCC’s flawed inquiry into bank deposits will stifle reform August 3, 2023 By Stuart Kells and Ian Shepherd Economy & Industry If the ACCC continues on its course, the bank deposit inquiry findings will not be well-founded and cut off large and fertile frontiers in banking and finance.
Does the US want bank lending to continue in smaller and medium-sized communities? July 16, 2023 By Stuart Kells and Ian Shepherd Editors' Picks Banks don’t relish holding deposits. They are a costly nuisance in ordinary times and dangerously risky in times of financial turmoil.
Banking and finance policy conversation needs an urgent re-set June 30, 2023 By Stuart Kells and Ian Shepherd Economy & Industry The inquiry into the market for retail deposit products supplied by authorised deposit-taking institutions is starting from the wrong place.
Premium Insights and analysis Australia’s too-many oversight bodies are what enabled the PwC matter June 9, 2023 By Scott Hamilton and Stuart Kells Community & Social Robodebt and PwC are just the start of the uncomfortable truth that our oversight and integrity bodies are not very effective.
Big Four integrity for rent May 26, 2023 By Stuart Kells and Ian Gow Economy & Industry The Big Four dominate the global tax-avoidance industry, bringing in collective total revenue of more than US$189 billion last year.
Premium Insights and analysis Wyatt Roy: Bipartisan young gun uniting economics with social justice May 15, 2023 By Scott Hamilton and Stuart Kells Editors' Picks Wyatt Roy says bipartisanship doesn’t actually mean you have to agree, it means having the ability and agreement to work together.
Latest RBA interest rate rises reveal serious flaws in Australia’s monetary policy toolkit May 5, 2023 By Stuart Kells and Ian Shepherd Economy & Industry Economists rarely agree, but when they look back on 2023 they will very likely concur that the most recent interest rate rises were a mistake.
Premium Insights and analysis SVB’s failure was not reminiscent of the GFC, and here’s why May 1, 2023 By Stuart Kells and Ian Shepherd Economy & Industry Everyone is looking for a way out of the latest financial crisis that was SVB. Understanding how banking actually works is the first hurdle.
Premium Insights and analysis Supernormal profits in Murray-Darling Basin water trading are a failure of government March 21, 2023 By Scott Hamilton and Stuart Kells Editors' Picks The Murray-Darling Basin water market is of bad design, and that is a failure of public policy and Australia’s system of government.
What’s in a name? With Argyle diamonds, quite a lot February 20, 2023 By Stuart Kells Economy & Industry Little thought was given to the Argyle diamond mine’s name. In hindsight, it should have been given an Australian name, writes Stuart Kells.
Premium Insights and analysis Can New South Wales fix its water market? October 12, 2022 By Scott Hamilton and Stuart Kells Editors' Picks A flawed market design means the NSW water market serves the arbitrage profits of hedge funds at the expense of the Murray-Darling Basin.
Irresistible logic is behind imminent splits in the big four accounting and audit firms August 1, 2022 By Stuart Kells Editors' Picks The big four accounting firms are seriously considering big changes to their structure and their mix of services.