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Case study: Rapid program establishment in a public-private sector collaboration

Sponsored by Kiah Consulting

The characteristic of a partnership is that both parties work collaboratively: jointly investing, bearing the risks and reaping the rewards. It is very rare that public and private organisations form partnerships. Even the regularly cited Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are most often a deferred funding, purchaser-provider relationship. 

This case study examines one such situation wherein a government client sought to establish an unorthodox public–private sector collaboration. The primary objective? To provide a safe place for client and industry participants to rapidly establish cross-company teams for the accelerated adoption and innovative use of technology to deliver near-term outcomes.

Kiah’s approach in pursuing the best solution to this challenging task led to the establishment of a program that, within five years, grew from 5 to some 183 industry and academic participants, undertaking around 20 tasks a year and achieved international awards for its contribution.

Download the study to learn the ingredients essential to the program’s success.


Rapid program establishment in a public-private sector collaboration

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