Comments on: Services Australia seeking ADHD recruits after outsource cull Australia’s venue for public sector leaders Mon, 20 May 2024 01:11:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alexandra R Mon, 20 May 2024 01:11:44 +0000

Several agencies with a staff requirement for high technical aptitude, advanced problem-solving skills or specialist abilities have long hired or recruited from on the autism spectrum, including Defence, the Australian Signals Directorate and Tax.

If they wanted staff with ‘high technical aptitude, advanced problem-solving skills or specialist abilities’, they should have included ADHD in this program from the start.

Widening the recruitment pool to AD/HD substantially widens this pool because it takes hiring beyond the trope of people deemed sufficiently gifted or talented to land a job.

While I’m glad they’ve expanded this program, and that you’re reporting on it, can you please amend your article so that damaging ADHD stereotypes are removed? Neurodivergent people are individuals, but the strengths associated with Autism also tend to occur in ADHD, alongside additional strengths, including creativity.
