Special Report

Protecting privacy in the digital ID age

Resource library

Whitepaper: AI readiness planning

We have seen the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in many different industries, and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down in the fut...

eBook: Solving for eXperience

There’s so much to say about our shared ‘experience’ in the last few years.  After an unprecedented global shift in how we see eac...

eBook: A Hybrid Workplace Framework

The workplace journey from 'office by default' to a 'way forward' decision point has been traversed by every single organisation since the a...

Webinar: The future of government

The events of the last year have seen a whole host of people access government services digitally who had never before, meaning Australian j...

eBook: It Pays to Go Paperless

Companies of all sizes are embracing a more effective, paperless way of working. From sales agreements and invoicing, to event registration...

Guide to the budget spending boom

Spending by the federal government, announced in this week’s Budget, is at record levels. For vendors, suppliers, advisors and consultants...

eBook: The reskilling revolution

Recent events have dramatically accelerated digital transformation programs. As a result, the need to equip the workforce with new skills ha...

eBook: Keeping risk under control

Since Scott Morrison recently shared his goal of “congestion busting in bureaucracy”, managing risk has been front of mind for public se...

eBook: Innovate for change

Is your department or agency investing enough in digital workplace innovation? For too long innovation in Australian business has been vi...